Today after making my very green smoothie, I was excited to hold the blade over the sink after taking it off my blender cup and.......wait for the really green drips make a beautiful and interesting pattern in the sink. I LOVE this weird, spontaneous moment to make art in my sink. And yes, I actually have taken a picture of it! I am often inspired by what people walk by, throw away, or are just too busy to notice.
This is where my creativity and childlike awe and wonder ended for the day.....I think. The day is not over yet! Being an adult is filled to overflowing with distractions that keep us busy!!! I have to be intentional about knowing when to let things go, and what needs tending ASAP. So, this morning was an opportunity to be a responsible adult.
My new friend and neighbor who lives across the street is also a creative, and has been instrumental in "lighting a fire" in me and my girls--to value our talents and show the world of craft fairs. I kinda cry when I think about how we met at the Children's Hospital Boutique, where I volunteer once a week, and miraculously discovered that we lived across the street from one another. I am blessed. But I digress.
She called and asked me to come over and help her with her computer issues... yes, pretty funny... but she needed support!! I quickly got some NOT pajamas on, and helped my friend. It was a good connection time.
I thought I was coming home to start my morning with some quiet reading and a good cup of coffee, but soon found myself doing more "taking care of business" because things were "time sensitive." DANG. Sometimes, I just wanna not be an adult. It was getting closer to noon than I'd like to admit... I decide that I had to consider what I wanted to feed my friends on Friday for our monthly "Girls Game Night." I look around and see a lot of bananas that need using--that's a no brainer. Made three loaves of banana bread... eventually, because we lost power a few minutes after they made their way into the oven. Next, need a savory option. Oh yeah, Elanor and I decided to have Miso Buttermilk Biscuits after watching our favorite baker on YouTube last night. Done, and in the fridge ready to bake off before everyone arrives. Lastly, I really want Kimchi Grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner, and homemade bread is the BEST vessel for carrying the precious ingredients! Done.
Yikes, it's 4:00, and I've just been adulting all day.
But really, if I'm honest, I just traded the art studio for my kitchen today. I was present for the small amount of time that my sweet daughter had before she left for school. Awesome! Then, my husband came in because his office was without the power from our generator (power still out), and I was able to quickly clean up and encourage him to use the kitchen for a scheduled meeting. Perfect.
Awe and wonder come in all sorts of packages. Mine were wrapped up in "being there" for others, and being SOOOOO thankful for friends and family who sometimes need me to be an adult.
I don't really want to leave you on a serious note, even if it is a good one.
Yesterday as I was walking on the treadmill I decided to watch Ina Garten's new show--where she invites guests to cook something in her kitchen--after they have a meaningful conversation over a drink or dessert. The guests were Rob Marshall and John DeLuna. Not gonna bore you with the details, but I have to share what made me giggle. At the very end of the show she gives her guests a pop quiz--that's really just more "get-to know you" questions that need a quick answer. The last question was "What has been you best job and your worst job. The interviewee turned the question on Ina and she shared that she used a temp agency to find secretary work. One place asked her to go to a Body Shop, and she assumed it would be an auto body shop. Well it turned out to be a stripper club. The next thing that came of the the interviewee's mouth was----"Okay, we gotta figure out your stripper name. You make your stripper name with the first name being the name of your first pet, and the last name being your mom's maiden name." What followed almost made me wet my pants. My name would be Momma Kitty Holt. What's yours? Feel free to respond to my blog with your stripper name--to make us all giggle.
See you around,
Smoothie Art
